~ Expressions of Spirit  ~   
Visionary & Yoga Art Gallery

William J.D. Doran   -  Artist Biography

wdhawaii.jpg (3986 bytes)       Artist’s Biography and Perspective

      Spiritual Path

      Core Beliefs

      Family Life

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Artist’s Biography and Perspective                                                        [ Top of Page ]

        I was born the seventh child of a family of ten children and grew up on a ranch in Twisp, Washington, in the Methow Valley.  I currently make my home in Seattle. At an early age I learned to nurture my creativity and found a strong interest in art. My early interests were in oil paints, pottery and eventually stained glass.  My current medium is in an unique style derived from watching the spray-paint street artists of Mexico.  I paint with spray paint using more traditional air brush and acrylic brush techniques. I love working with spray paint because of the brilliant color pallet and because it is such an untraditional media. I find great pleasure in sharing my interpretations of spiritual matters through my paintings. They give me an avenue to express my driving spiritual life focus and need for a creative outlet.  More recently I have ventured into digital art reflecting my love of yoga and the beauty of the yoga postures.

        My personal philosophy is symbolized in my choice of the star burst as my logo. It represents my belief that we have an origin in the stars that intimately connects us to Earth.  I believe we are called to serve the planet and humanity in accelerating their transformation into a higher spiritual dimension. My spiritual world view, which strongly guides my artistic expression, predominately incorporates the theme of connecting to sacred space, both internal and external. I chose subjects that come to me in meditation and symbolize an emotion longing, a memory or experience that connects and amplifies my everyday world to that of Spirit.  I see all aspects of my art as an "expression of spirit."   My paintings depicting sacred places honor that part in us which longs for inner peace and unity with God. I strive to paint images that my Higher Self recognizes as home.

        My life has lead me in many diverse directions. I have traveled extensively in Latin America and have schooled several times in Mexico, becoming fluent in Spanish. My B.A. degree from the University of Washington Jackson School of International Studies has helped me to open my mind to the universal similarities shared by all people, as well as gave me an appreciation for our unique differences and means of expression.   My college experience lead me into the world of computer technology. From my technical experiences I developed a view that computers are a tool to further expand the capabilities of the individual’s expression. Utilizing this tool we are more empowered in our creativity and link with the greater consciousness of humanity. To this means I find great pleasure in using technology as a vehicle to share my interpretations of spiritual matters expressed in paintings and writing.


Spiritual Path                                                                                          [ Top of Page ]

        The path of spiritual growth that I have followed has been one of diversity, ever adding insight and substance to my level of consciousness. I was born into a liberal Catholic family and credit my parents for helping me to broaden my views of other philosophies and religions. Looking for a more intense and personalized spiritual experience in my early teen years I joined a youth Christian movement in which I was profoundly moved. 

        As time went on I  continued to look for answers to life's profound questions and the meaning of life.  I then turned to the study of eastern philosophies while in my late teens. Taoism and Buddhism became the new cornerstones in my path toward enlightenment and remained so for much of my twenties and early thirties.   This included a strong practice of Soto Zen Buddhism for two years while affiliated with a small Zendo in Seattle. My Zen practice served me well to still my mind and foster non-judgment.

        The next evolutionary step was taken when I was introduced to the New Age teacher Dennis Adams. His seminars and fellowship meetings opened my eyes to metaphysics and helped me develop a much broader awareness of God.  Through his teachings I gained wonderful insights into the vast complexity of all interconnected life, from the micro to the macro perspective. Dennis's teachings brought me closer to "angel consciousness" and I became open to learn more about fourth dimensional beings and their commitment to humanity and our well-being. Following this theme, my path lead me to the door of The Rose Pearl, a mystery school based in Seattle. I studied there for four years under the guidance of Colin and Stephanie Cole and the numerous guides they channeled.  This was the most "far-out" yet profoundly insightful experience I have been fortunate to have learned from. The Rose Pearl introduced me to "energy work" and living as my Higher Self.  It opened my heart profoundly and life changed in dramatic ways.

        My current path towards self-realization synthesizes and applies the knowledge learned in practicing meditation, prayer, intuitive development and yoga. I now focus more on "practice" and "being" rather than studying under a teacher and foster the belief that life is a spiritual experience in each moment.  There still is a space for  inspirational books and pearls of wisdom gleaned from articles that still come into my life and serve me on the path with heart.  My life is like a magnet drawing all things of consciousness and spirit to it.  

        My  practice of yoga is rapidly becoming the central focus of my spiritual path for I find that its combination of physical and mental control, while not requiring adherence to any one particular philosophy, adds a wonderful dimension to my spiritual expression.  Yoga balances mind, body and spirit in a way that transcends reliance on philosophy or faith alone. Yoga, to me, is integrated life in practice and now that I have begun the journey as a yoga instructor my life has taken on a new richness as I help bring internal awareness to others.
 I have learned the power of teaching and apply that as a yoga instructor and as a life coach.  As I guide others through their process of Self awareness I get to enjoy the sacred space that that level of focus creates.  I learn through demonstrating the highest image I hold for myself.

 Core Beliefs                                                                                               [ Top of Page ]

I am made in the image and likeness of God. God the creator of all things is pure love energy, so I too am a creator made of love.
I was made to express my unique creativity and to develop a personalized journey of self realization towards my identity as a part, or aspect, of God.  The nature of my life is to live as an "experience gatherer" feeding information into God Consciousness.
The purer my awareness that I am God, the more effective I become as a part of God the Creator.  By assuming responsibility for my life I become more free to affect its outcome and to create the reality of my choice.
My experiences are guided by my thoughts, words and deeds. The more I become aware of the power I posses by consciously directing these forces the purer my creative process will become.
My life purpose is to merge my "human being" with my "angelic being" and find creative ways to express that expanded state of awareness throughout all aspects of my existence.
Every experience I have is an opportunity for me to learn about my true identity as an immortal being of light  currently live a human existence. Every experience is an opportunity to express love and light, revealing my growing awareness of my true being.
The nature of God is abundance, light and love. I was created to live in that abundance, to spread the grace of God through the lightness of my being. As I live in this awareness I become more effective in strengthening the bonds of love that unite us all as one.
I own all aspects and characteristics of humanity as being a part of myself. The darkness and light both exist within me for I am part of the whole and am capable of reflecting any facet of the jewel of life. I will not judge others for they are "me" expressing myself through another. I will not succumb to fear for I know that I am a transcendental being capable of choosing my highest expression of reality. Darkness and light exist in me but I choose to live and express my essence of lightness. For lightness of being resonates closer to the vibration of love and that is where I choose to live.


Family Life                                                                                               [ Top of Page ]

        Of all the teachers and experiences I have been blessed with in my life it is my wife and children  (happily married since 1982, father of two boys) who have been some of my most instrumental teachers.  They have added immensely to my personal growth and spiritual development. Family life has greatly fostered love, patience, tolerance, faith and a sense of connection with God like nothing else I have known. It is through this experience that I feel I truly have come into knowledge about what it is to be human and alive on planet earth. Their love and support help me to express my identity as an artist and they help me to put into perspective my role as a human being and teacher.


        The images I paint reflect my life's process of growing awareness to my personal power and the love of Spirit; they are an outpouring of my need to create and inspire others through my vision. My art represents my belief that we originate from "the One," the divine source of all light. As humans we are called to find within ourselves the highest level of that light and remember our connectivity to all things. In so doing we accelerate Earth’s and humanity’s transformation into a higher consciousness. At the deepest level, my paintings strive to reflect the yearning of our Higher Selves for that realization of oneness.


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